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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

wedding to come

2 months to go before i end my status as a single lady..

so near yet so far..time is ticking, not ticking, but running and crashing all the way to 8th of march 2009. so it is near.. but far in the sense that whether i am... or i am not... too many things undone but nothing to do... pre marriage means draining your money from the pockets and pouches you have, plus ppl around u, and yet u still need more..  things like "i have to that", "i dont need to rush on this", "this must be done by tomorrow", "what else do i need to do, ppl help meee!!!!" are normal.. but this maddening syndrome and voiceless screaming are just inside my head, while i am enjoying myself to heaven. by drinking coffee, blogging and such, that dont even contribute in solving the unsolve! 

anyway, this is the 'done' part, :p (quite proud of myself, especially in this puzzling craze mind!)



bookingatbukittinggiandpadangphotgrapherWHEWW..OUT OF BREATH!

hehe.. okay..pointform(point form)

2 weddingbaju

makeup person

all of the hantaran

hantaran decoration

extra stuff on the wed dress


wed ring

plane ticket to padang

hotel booking at buki ttinggi and padang


so, so far, the still 'undone' are dewan, hiv test(tomorrow would be on the 'done' list), submitting the nikah form to pejabat agama islam selangor, and the wedding day itself!



molliesa said...

erm...oso...2 free tickets for molie n her future husband...lalalalaaa..:)

Unknown said...

"pre marriage means draining your money from the pockets and pouches you have, plus ppl around u, and yet u still need more.." THIS IS SOOOOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm broke!

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