BUNTALBEADS the beanbag for all

visit (and purchase too, :D) my blog-shop at this instance!

Monday, May 31, 2010

feeling good

last weekend was superb! the weekend started on friday as it was a public holiday and lasted till sunday of course!

friday daytime was spent on buntalbeads (beanbags) sewing. alhamdulillah, it went well. friday night was movie nite! we watched prince of persia at gsc alamanda. the movie was ok-lah. not dissapointing, nor great.

saturday was buntalbeads delivery day. left our house in sepang in the morning to meme's house. fill in the polybeads with yasir's help into 3 sacks. then photo moment wif the buantalbeads. pics will be uploaded later (some have been uploaded to beanbags blog).

once done with the photo moment, we delivered to mak first. i am happy! she looks satisfied. slept on it duirng afternoon nap. and abah took his turn later on..

waited for achik to arrive at abah's. the black buntalsbeads is for shasha. before achik arrives, pok came back with his little kids. they started to jump and what not on mak's buntalbeads. kaseh2 hati took out the camera and started taking pictures of their happy faces. when achik clan arrived, they too love the buntalbeads present.  hakim even ordered one for himself. heeeee another buntalbeads odered!

on sunday, we packed our things, and its time to return to our lovenest.. :)

first, we stopped at pasar ahad at the stadium for my kopiesatu ice blended cappuccino. then we went to sec 18 shah alam to aden tailoring. tempah baju melayu raye. then to midvalley to get some kain from kamdar. and afterward, off to sepang. 

after zuhr, we continued painting the middle room. and finished with it by night, complete with the furniture arrangement.  yay!

now, langsir is in my mind...

Monday, May 24, 2010

al-kisahnya bawang...

bekalan bawang kat umah dah surut.. sejak dari last week lg

isnin lepas pergi pasar, nk beli bwg, tapi..hmm bawang2 itu x berape cantik.. mcm x worth je nak invest(?)

hati kate: x payah la beli dulu, kite tunggu pasar hari khamis pulak. mane tahu bawang die lg cantik. berbaloi!

hati yg lagi satu menjawab: betul2.. kite tunggu dulu

Hari khamis

kaki terus melangkah ke gerai menjual bawang2. belek. belek. tgk bawang yang berjenis2 itu. belek semua bawang yang kecik2 comel2..

hati: alah, x cantek jugaklah bawang ni (sudah x bersemangat!). tp kat umah ade 2 ketul je kot bawang yg tinggal.

hati yang lagi satu bersuara: beli je.sikit je..kotnye len kali jumpe yg cantik, beli banyak2 ( tersa bernas sekali cadangan ni!)

maka, pulanglah haritu ngn  bawang yang x berape cantik, adelah lam beberape ketul. survival kit!

isnin kembali lagi! (harini)

singgah di kedai bawang..




........ alaaaa tak CANTEK jugak! camne nih! 

susah sebenarnye nak beli bawang tau

Friday, May 21, 2010

indahnya.. must read!

i copied this from a blog. bacaan untuk renungan bersama..

Sesuatu yang berharga utk dikongsi bersama...

Luangkan masa kalian untuk membaca.. ambil peringatan dari Baginda Nabi
sempena keputeraannya tahun ini.. tunjukkan kecintaan pada Rasulullah

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani...

Ya Allah..lancar jari ini menaipkan sebuah pengalaman yg amat berharga
dr seorang insan yg dipilih Allah utk berjumpa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
melalui mimpi hari Khamis, 16 Rejab 1427H bersamaan 10 0gos 2006.

Nama yg dipilih oleh ayah beliau adalah Syamimi yg bermaksud
'kesayanganku', jua gelaran Nabi pada puteri kesayangan Baginda,
Fatimah. Ketika khilaf memilih nama itu, ayah beliau mengharapkan
mudah2an suatu hari nanti anaknya akan menjadi salah seorang mutiara
kesayangan Rasulullah s.a.w. Alhamdulillah, doanya makbul selepas 23
tahun kelahiran anak sulungnya daripada 8 adik-beradik.

Al-Quran 30 juzuk terpelihara kemas dalam hatinya. Beliau menghabiskan
masa 3 tahun utk menghafal 30 juzuk Kalamullah ketika berada di negeri
kelahirannya. Beliau hafal sendiri utk memenuhi harapan ibu ayah yang
mengharapkan ada dalam kalangan anak mereka menjadi seorang hafiz atau
hafizah. Sebagai anak sulung, beliau mengambil tanggungjawab ini utk
menjadi contoh kpd adik2 yg lain. Setiap hari beliau hafal 2 mukasurat
Al-Quran dan tasmi' dgn ustaz di sebelah rumahnya. Sekarang beliau
pelajar tahun 4 jurusan Undang-Undang Syariah di universiti ini.

Akak ni memang diuji dengan sakit yg tak tahu apa punca sejak lebih
setahun yg lalu. Sakitnya rasa seperti ditikam-tikam dengan pisau di
bahagian belakang tubuhnya, tambahan pula kaki yang sakit di bahagian
lutut sejak 8 tahun lalu tidak pernah sembuh. Pernah satu ketika,
selepas makan, beliau muntah bersama segumpal rambut dari kerongkongnya.
Penderitaannya hanya Allah dan dia sendiri yang tahu. Sudah lama beliau
tidak terdaya ke kelas kerana sakit itu membuatkan dia tidak dapat
berdiri atau berjalan. Hilang selera makannya hingga badannya susut
hampir 13 kg. Beliau hanya menggagahkan diri untuk pergi berwudhu' 2
hingga 3 kali sehari. Wudhu' itu dijaga sebaik mungkin untuk ibadah
sepanjang hari.

Hari2 yang dilaluinya dipenuhi dgn membaca Al-Quran dan qiamullail
sebagai pendinding daripada gangguan yg terus2an menyakiti diri.
Diceritakan makhluk2 halus itu akan mengganggunya terutama pada waktu
sebelum Subuh, Zuhur dan Maghrib. Beliau telah banyak berubat di merata
tempat, berjumpa doktor2 pakar, malah ulama' yg faqih dalam ilmu
perubatan islam serta akhir sekali bertemu sorang lecturer di sini. Tapi
beliau hanya mampu bertahan. Pesan ustaznya, setiap kali beliau sakit,
banyakkan baca Surah Al-Baqarah.

Pagi Khamis itu, beliau berniat utk hadir kuliyah sebab sudah terlalu
lama tidak mampu ke kelas. Beliau bangun kira2 jam 4.30 pagi utk solat.
Berbekalkan sedikit kekuatan yg digagahkan, beliau ke bilik air utk
berwudhu' dgn memapah dinding dan segala apa yg mampu membantu beliau
untuk berdiri. Habis berwudhu', beliau jatuh tersungkur, rasa seperti
ada yg menolak keras dari belakang. Tika itu beliau sudah tidak mampu
berdiri, justeru beliau merangkak ke bilik. Sampai saja di bilik, beliau
ketuk pintu dan rebah di depan bilik tersebut. Disebabkan sakit yg
mungkin dah tak tertanggung, dengan spontan beliau niatkan, "Ya Allah,
kiranya mati itu baik untukku, aku redha, tapi kiranya Engkau ingin aku
terus hidup, aku ingin dengar kata-kata semangat drpd Rasulullah s.a.w.

Kemudian beliau pengsan. Sahabat2 sebilik mengangkat beliau ke dalam
biliknya dan di baringkan di sana . Waktu itu, sahabat2nya telah pun
'forward message' pd rakan2 yg lain agar dibacakan surah Yasin kerana
beliau nampak sudah nazak. Malah mereka telah sedia dgn nombor2 ahli
keluarganya utk dihubungi kiranya ada apa2 berlaku dengan izin Allah.
Kira2 jam 11 pagi itulah, ketika tertidur dgn tenang dalam waktu
qoilullah, beliau bermimpi. Beliau sedang terbaring dalam keadaan
memakai telekung dgn tangannya diqiam seperti dalam solat di suatu
tempat asing yang sangat cantik. Beliau terbaring di sebelah mimbar dan
kelihatan banyak tiang di sekitarnya.

Tiba-tiba datang seorang Hamba Allah dgn wajah yang bercahaya dari arah
depan dan berdiri hampir sekali, kira2 2 meter dari beliau. Wajahnya
SubhanaLlah..indah sekali, tak dapat nak digambarkan. Beliau tertanya2,
siapakah orang ini? cantik sekali kejadiannya dan hati beliau rasa
sangat tenang dgn hanya melihat wajahnya. Dirasakan seluruh kesengsaraan
yg ditanggung selama ini lenyap begitu sahaja. Kemudian, Hamba Allah itu
mengatakan, "Assalamu'alaikum, ana Rasulullah.." Subhanallah..baginda
Nabi rupanya! Nabi memakai jubah putih dan kain serban berwarna hijau di
atas bahu baginda. Beliau nampak dgn jelas mata Baginda Nabi, janggut
Baginda, rambut Baginda, kain serban di atas bahu Baginda dan tubuh
Baginda. Kemudian Nabi katakan "Enti fil masjidi" (kamu sekarang berada
di masjidku, Masjid Nabawi).. Allahuakbar!

Kemudian Baginda Nabi s.a.w. berkata: QalAllahuta' ala; "InnaAllahama'
assobirin" (sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang2 yg sabar). Ketika
mendengar suara Nabi mengalunkan Kalamullah, terasa bergema suara merdu
Nabi di seluruh alam. Sememangnya Baginda sebaik-baik kejadian dan
diciptakan dgn penuh kesempurnaan. Nabi katakan (dalam lughahl arab, tp
diterjemahkan di sini) ; "Ya Syamimi, dengan berkat kesabaran enti, dgn
sakit yg enti tanggung selama ini, dan dgn berkat Al-Quran yg enti
pelihara di dlm hati, maka Allah bukakan hijab utk enti nampak ana.."
Ketika Nabi menyebut Ya Syamimi, terlintas di hatinya "Ya Allah..Baginda
kenal ummatnya!". Ya Rasulullah... Ketika itu, beliau dapat merasakan
baiknya Allah, memberikan nikmat yg begitu besar buat dirinya.

Kemudian Nabi katakan lagi; "Sampaikan salamku buat sahabat2
seperjuangan Islam. InsyaAllah, kita semua akan berjumpa nanti.." Nabi
s.a.w. kemudian melafazkan; "Ummati.. ummati..ummati..." dan beliau
nampak jelas Nabi menangis saat itu. Beberapa titisan airmata Baginda yg
suci mengalir utk ummat Baginda! Kemudian Baginda Nabi melangkah pergi.
Beliau merintih, "Jangan pergi Ya Rasulullah.." tetapi Baginda tetap
pergi. Subhanallah, walaupun kita tak pernah bersua dgn Nabi yg mulia,
Baginda kenal dan sentiasa ingat akan ummatnya. Beliau sendiri tidak
pasti, apakah Baginda menangis kerana rindu kepada ummatnya, atau
mungkin saja baginda sedih dgn ummat akhir zaman ini? wallahua'lam...

Sedar daripada tidur yg amat indah pengisiannya itu, beliau masih
dikelilingi oleh rakan2 yg turut terdengar rintihan beliau dalam
tidurnya "Jangan pergi Ya Rasululah..." Beliau kemudian menceritakan kpd
para sahabat tentang mimpinya sekaligus menyampaikan salam Rasulullah
buat ummat Baginda. Semua yg mendengar menangis lantaran rindu pada
Nabi. Rasa malu pada Nabi krn kita jarang2 ingat pada Baginda sedangkan
kita amat terhutang budi padanya. Lebih2 lagi kita sedar bahawa hanya
syafaat Bagindalah yg dikejar di akhirat kelak.

Ya Allah..ketika itu, tiada kata yg lebih tinggi drpd kalimah
Alhamdulillah utk di rafa'kan pada Allah atas ni'mat yg begitu besar yg
Allah berikan pada dirinya. Rasa tak layak dirinya menerima anugerah dgn
ujian yg hanya sedikit berbanding insan2 yg lebih berat diuji oleh
Allah. Kiranya ada kalimah pujian yg lebih tinggi dr Hamdalah, pasti
akan beliau sebutkan buat Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Semuanya terangkum dalam
Rahmat-Nya yg melimpah ruah. Rasa sakit masih menular di tubuhnya. Cuma
kali ini dia bertekad tidak akan menangis lagi utk kesakitan ini.

Usai solat Zuhur, rasa sakit yg ditanggung makin hebat. Tak pernah
beliau merasakan sakit yg sebegitu rupa. Terasa panas seluruh badan dan
seluruh tubuhnya rasa ditikam pada setiap penjuru. Kalau dulu, beliau
akan menangis dalam menghadapi kesakitan, namun pada waktu itu beliau
pujuk diri utk tidak menangis. "Apa sangatlah sakit yg aku tanggung ini
berbanding nikmat yg Allah telah bagi utk melihat Baginda Nabi s.a.w.."

Kemudian beliau tidur. Beliau terus rasakan berada di tempat tinggi,
tempat yg biasa hadir sepanjang beliau menerima gangguan. Beliau katakan
"Ya Allah, apa lagi yg hendak Engkau berikan buat hambamu yg hina ni,
rasa malu sangat dengan-Mu Ya Allah..." Kemudian dgn izin Allah, datang
empat orang yg berpakaian serba hijau. Salah seorang daripadanya
mengatakan; "Assalamu'alaikum Ya Syamimi..Rasulullah s.a.w. sampaikan
salam buatmu. Kami utusan Rasululah..Nahnu khulafa' ar-rasyidin. Ana Abu
Bakr, ini Ummar Al-Khattab, Uthman bin 'affan dan Ali.."
Subhanallah..Saidina Abu Bakr memperkenal dirinya dan ketiga2 sahabat yg
mulia. Beliau nampak sendiri, Saidina Abu Bakr yg amat lembut
perwatakannya, Saidina Ummar dgn wajah tegasnya, Saidina Uthman yg
cantik sekali dan Saidina 'Ali yg agak kecil orangnya.

Para Sahabat mengatakan; "Kami diutuskan oleh baginda Nabi utk membantu
enti.." Kemudian keempat2 mereka membacakan ayat 102 surah Al-Baqarah yg

"Dan mereka mengikuti apa yg dibaca oleh syaitan-syaitan pada masa
kerajaan Sulaiman. Sulaiman itu tidak kafir tetapi syaitan-syaitan
itulah yg kafir, mereka mengajarkan sihir pada manusia dan apa yg
diturunkan pada 2 malaikat di negeri Babylon iaitu Harut dan Marut.
Padahal keduanya tidak mengajarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang sebelum
mengatakan 'sesungguhnya kami hanyalah cubaan (bagimu) sebab itu
janganlah kafir.' Maka mereka mempelajari dari keduanya (malaikat itu)
apa yang (dapat) memisahkan antara seorang (suami) denagn isterinya.
Mereka tidak akan dapat mencelakakan seseorang dgn sihirnya kecuali
dengan izin Allah. Mereka mempelajari sesuatu yang mencelakakan, dan
tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Dan sungguh, mereka sudah tahu,
barang siapa membeli (menggunakan sihir) itu, nescaya tidak akan
mendapat keuntungan di akhirat. Dan sungguh, sangatlah buruk perbuatan
mereka yang menjual dirinya dgn sihir, sekiranya mereka tahu.."

Selesai membaca ayat itu, para sahabat Nabi menghembus pada makhluk2
yang sedang mengganggu beliau dan mereka semua hancur terbakar.
Subhanallah..waktu itu terus terasa seolah2 tubuhnya yg sakit dahulu
ditukarkan Allah s.w.t. dgn tubuh yg baru. Hilang segala kesakitan yg
setahun lebih ditanggung beliau dgn sabar. Saidina Abu Bakr mengatakan;
"Inilah ganjaran besar dari Allah buat orang-orang yang sabar.."
Kemudian, para sahabat Nabi yg mulia pun pergi meninggalkannya.

Selesai mimpi indah yg kedua ini, beliau bangun dr tidur dan terus
duduk. Rakan2 sebilik pelik, kenapa beliau dapat bangun dan duduk dgn
mudah . Kemudian sahabat2nya itu menyuruh beliau bangun berdiri dan
alhamduliLlah..dgn mudah beliau bangun berdiri dan berjalan d sekitar
bilik. "Ya Allah, penyakit ana dah sembuh.." Semua sahabat yang ada di
situ bergembira dan menangis. Kemudian beliau segera ke bilik air untuk
berwudhu'. Dengan tubuh yang 'baru', beliau sujud syukur pada Allah
s.w.t. "Ya Allah, kiranya di beri tempoh sujud 100 tahun pun belum dapat
diriku menjadi hamba-Mu yg bersyukur atas nikmat yg telah Engkau

Beliau berpesan pada kami; "Adik-adik, wajarlah para sahabat Nabi yang
mulia sanggup mati demi mempertahankan Baginda. Akak yang diberi rezeki
melihat Nabi tak sampai pun 5 minit dah rasa tak sanggup berpisah
dengannya. Kalau boleh, nak duduk je di bilik untuk beribadah pada Allah
dan mengenang wajah Nabi yg mulia. Tapi menyedari banyak lagi taklifan
dan tanggungjawab kita atas muka bumi Allah ini, maka hidup mesti
diteruskan. Sekarang ini hati akak tenang sangat..kalau boleh, nak je
akak pinjamkan hati ni walau hanya sesaat agar adik2 dapat merasakan
betapa beningnya hati ini. Tapi itu tak mungkin kan , mungkin ini
bahagian akak, bahagian kalian? Hanya Pemiliknya Yang Maha Tahu. Akhir
sekali akak ingin katakan, tak rugi kita bersabar..."

Keperibadiannya indah. Cerminan al-Quran katanya 'Aisyah ra. Dari semua
aspek kehidupan, diperagakannya hanyalah kesyumulan. Allah mengajar
manusia berkehidupan di muka bumi ini melalui baginda. Menuruti
sunnahnya adalah pahala. Kasih sayangnya tiada bertepi, dari yang kecil
hingga yang tua, dari hamba hingga ke bangsawan, dari dulu sampai
sekarang, hingga ke akhirnya.. Dialah peribadi unggul sepanjang zaman.
Mencintainya suatu kemuliaan...

Pernah suatu ketika Rasulullah berkumpul didalam satu majlis bersama
para sahabat. Tiba-tiba bergenang air mata baginda s.a.w. Para sahabat
gelosah melihat sesuatu yang tidakmereka senangi di wajah Rasulullah
saw. Bila ditanya oleh Saidina Abu Bakar ra, baginda mengatakan bahawa
terlalu merindui ikhwannya.. Saidina Abu Bakar sekali lagi bertanya
Rasulullah saw, "bukankah kami ini ikhwanmu?" Rasulullah menjawab,
"Tidak, kamu semua adalah sahabatku.. ikhwanku adalah umatku yang belum
pernah melihat aku tetapi mereka beriman dan sangat mencintaiku... Aku
sangat rindu bertemu dengan mereka.."

Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat-malaikat-Nya bershalawat untuk Nabi. Hai
orang-orang yang beriman, bershalawatlah kamu untuk Nabi dan ucapkanlah
salam penghormatan kepadanya (al-Ahzab:56)

p/s: sungguh...berderaian air mataku mengalir..daku rindu akan
dirimu..Ya Rasulullah!
(kisah ini dinukilkan oleh sahabat Syamimi hasil pengalaman benar yang
telah dilalui..pernah disebarkan melalui e-mel & blog sebelum ini..)

sesungguhnya,ana sangat bersyukur kerana dilahirkan didunia ini sbgai
ummat nabi Muhammad S.A.W...
banyakkan lah berselawat dan mendengar zikir..insyaAllah kita semua akan
mendapt syafaatnya di Akhirat kelak..wallahu'alam..(*_*)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alhamdulillah: HAPPY

I've just received an sms from my ex-colleague:

"dear all, Alhamdulillah...i hv safely given  birth 2 Ahmad Rayyan bin Ahmad Razreehan at noon jz nw. Tq"

what else could i wish for? mashaallah, alhamdulillah.. Allah is indeed the most powerful and merciful and full of love towards His servants. 

congratulation kak ain. next would be mine.. 


saya puasa wajib harini..

senang cakap: puasa ganti :)

saya rasa tak sehat harini

senang cakap: badan rasa panas semacam aje~kepala seperti ber'roller coaster'

saya masih 'pregnant' harini

senang cakap: dah takde mase nak ganti lain hari sebab sudah dekat nak bersalin


saya kena bertahan

3 jam setengah lagi,.. InshaAllah

lain kali, ganti awal-awal!




senang cakap: BERTAHANlah! sape suruh malas ganti awal2. 

takkan nak bayar fidyah kot?? malunye kat TUHAN

notakaki: hehe.. terase malu ngan tuhan sbb berbulan-bulan Dia kasi chance nak ganti before preggy.. 

btw, terase nak mkn kek  sendiri bake.. tp hmm. 'M' lah pulak. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


minggu ke -30 pregnant! Wow.. another 7-10 more weeks to go.. the countdown should begin now..

Friday, May 14, 2010

bila manusia itu mahu menjadi binatang, maka...

would like to share this horrifying-ugly tragedy, of the many that are happening around us..
i took this from wikipedia

Concrete-encased high school girl murder
(女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件 Joshikōsei konkurīto-zume satsujin-jiken?) was a 1988-89 incident in which a Japanese girl, Junko Furuta (古田順子 Furuta Junko?), 16 at that time, was murdered. This incident has a high level of notoriety in Japan.


On 25 November 1988, four boys, including Jo Kamisaku, then 17 (Kamisaku was a new family name he took after being released from prison), abducted and held Furuta, a Third year high school (grade 12) student from Misato, Saitama Prefecture, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Boy C, located in the Ayase district of Adachi, Tokyo.

To forestall a manhunt, one of them forced Furuta into calling her own parents and telling them that she had run away from home, but was with "a friend" and was not in danger. He also browbeat her into posing as one of the boys' girlfriends when the parents of the house where she was held were around, but when it became clear that the parents would not call the police, he dropped this pretext. Furuta tried to escape several times, begging the parents more than once to help her, but they did nothing, apparently out of fear that Boy A would hurt them. Boy A was at the time a low-level yakuzaleader and had bragged that he could use his connections to kill anyone who interfered.

According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her with metal rods and golf clubs, introduced foreign objects including a light bulb into her vagina, made her eat cockroaches and drink her own urine, inserted fireworks into her anus and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police. At one point her injuries were so severe that according to one of the boys it took more than an hour for her to crawl downstairs to use the bathroom. They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped (approximately 1000 times in total) or abused her. When the boys refused to let her leave, she begged them on several occasions to "kill (her) and get it over with".

On January 4, 1989, using a loss at mah-jong as a pretext, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day ofshock. The four boys claimed that they were not aware of how badly injured she was, and that they believed she had been malingering.

On January 5, the killers hid her corpse in a 55-gallon drum filled with cement; the perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Koto, Tokyo.


and, in summary of the torturing days, i borrowed this excerpt from FB account dedicated to her

DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy’s girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus

DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn’t accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury

DAY 20: December10, 1989: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding

DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size

DAY 40: Begged her torturers to “kill her and get it over with”

January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground

DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle’s flame to her face and eyes.

Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.

Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.

When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain.

Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years.
They deserve a punishment much greater than they had put upon Furuta, for putting an innocent girl through the most unbearable suffering.


reading this left me utterly speechless...

Q is, what kind of humanity left in those teen boys????

May God protect us till the end..

wordpress5: before my ass goes to work ~April,21 2010

its 3.46 in the afternoon. weather is sunny..too sunny perhaps.. its so hawt here..! am about to clean my house, not as in spring clean, jst dusting off here and there, a layer of sweeping around the house, and perhaps mopping too if i could do everything in a whiz of time. Cooking for dinner is still in the list!

finally, my sewing machine is here. (happy *wink wink*) and finished sewing the outer layer of kaseh2 hati long awaited bean bag.. alhamdulillah. and in the midst of finishing katol’s stuffs.. aja aja amat!

update on my pregnancy would be the focus of today’s post. so far, baby is 25 weeks (today is wednesday). almost 6 months an a half. i could feel her kicking inside sometimes ( when i pay attention to my tummy) and when i deliberately lie on the tummy to give her the pressure, or poke her hard just to play around. kaseh2 hati could feel the kicks too.. what an active girl.

we had the 3d & 4d scan when she was 24 weeks. it was and awe-mazing experience seeing her moving a lot, seeing her face, seeing her playing with her hands, seeing her karate-ing with her strong legs, and getting to see her little fingers both hands and legs.. and knowing that am carrying a tough, active and healthy girl inside. mashaallah..alhamdulillah, praise to Him the mightiest.

oopss.. there she goes again.. :-)

wordpress4 : the blue stripes in me~ April,7 2010

the blue stripes in me~

...... a something thats not that

nice but not a vengeance

nor jealousy but just

blue stripes of sadness

residing inside me..



go a w a y

wordpress3: dedicated post ~April,5 2010~

" this post is just to say BUCKETS OF THANKS to Abah coz of the new sewing machine..

im super happy upon hearing you saying that i could take the sewing machine home.

and rite now, i can’t wait to start my pending projects..

thanks again, and i love you! "

wordpress2: weekend surprise!! ~April,5 2010

last weekend was a superb weekend that one ever could wish for! first of all, the plan or shall i call it a trip, started way before, at the end of february 2010. well 1st anniversary is coming (8 march 2010) and a trip somehere outside of selangor would be a perfect gateaway for me(us). so i suggested to kaseh-kaseh hati for us to stay overnight somewhere, like penang or langkawi, etc. being a nice & must be loved all the time hubby, he agreed. so penang was the chosen destination, and holiday inn resort, batu ferringhi would be our nest there. checking the calendar for the suitable date, finally we decided to have it from 3-4th april 2010.

on the different side of my life, in the previous post, i’ve mentioned something bout not working anymore, rite? so, the consequence of that action is, I’ve decided to start a biz of my own, though the path to that dream is soooo blurry! after lots of thinking and wasting time choosing from one product to another, to sell, finally, i thought of selling the in-trend hijab, scarf or head cover for muslimah at Malaysia. the brand opted is Ariana. made from good quality lycra, i chose to sell plain colour hijab, and if theres demand, i’ll go for fancier ones. i bought in bulk from the makcik pasar malam here in taman seroja since i don’t have the energy to carry the goods (plus 6 months baby in the belly ;-p) from KL by public transport ( i haven’t installed kl map yet in my brain!). spending few hundreds ringgit give me the nerves and hopes that i’d get the money back soon. the plan is to drop by at Ipoh, disributing the hijabs to my relatives and asking them to sell them for me. we did that, everything was according to the plan, and now would be the profit waiting moment. pray to God! insha-allah, everything will go well in the end.. insha-allah

on the other hand, apart from selling hijab, my other in the list plan is to have a heavy duty/ industrial sewing machine of my own for me to start my bean bags biz. we (me and kaseh2 hati) were actually surveying for a second hand one as buying new is not affordable at all! rite now, i have have this singer manual sewing machine (guna kaki tau!!) and sewing is equal to mr turtle against mr rabbit in the running competition. OMG!

this is what we called as rezki, where, it happened to be, before departing to penang on the 3rd of april, we stayed a night at mom’s house. apparently, that morning, my dad was planning to go to jalan pasar, and kaseh2 hati was having this casual conversation. as dad mentioned jln pasar, kaseh2 hati told him that we are going there soon to look for second hand sewing machine. that was a revelation moment full of barakah as my dad didn’t about me wanting a sewing machine. he told kaseh2 hati that there is a sewing machine shop near stepmom’s house that sells second’s too. bla2, end of story, we took off.

on the way to penang, we ran out of gas, and had to exit at sungkai/trolak for refilling. there i got a call from dad, and guess what.. he was at the sewing machine shop! he told me the price of second hand & brand new.. but the prices were out of our budget. so i reclined, and told him we’ll have to look for cheaper ones.

we arrived at holiday inn and i received an sms from my sister informing bout the arrival of a BRAND NEW HEAVY DUTY SEWING MACHINE at mom’s house! i was happy but didnt know that its gonna be mine. so on sunday, we decided to drop by at mom’s house before going back to sepang. mom told me that the machine was not working properly and they need to call the technician to have a look at it. when i was in subang, i just look at it, and put on those threads just to give it a try, and apparently it worked perfectly.. guess the machine knew its owner beforehand..haha. they (my family) were a bit confused, and the good news is, theres no need to call for the technician.


so the surprise is, a powerful, masculine sewing machine for me! yay.. should be thinking of a name for him now..hehe

wordpress1: a lecture on life ~April, 1 2010

the other day, few days back, i had a chance conversing with my former boss, dean of unikl miat. we started with light issues, like my bean bag, starting biz, etc2.. and somehow, our conversation drifted to more serious issue, goal in our life. it started when i asked him whether is it true that am losing a lot when i made the decision to resign miat. he replied that i shouldn’t be asking that question.. and the conversation continued..~~

ermm malas dah nk tulis, pendek kata, i’m still looking for what i truly want in this life.. n goal or goals is/are not determined yet..

as for nw, i’ve just realized that (while driving back fr pasar malam), that i want to own a crv.. as soon as i can..heheh how can i do that???(harge 149k..erkk)

i took this from http://car-holic.blogspot.com

i took this from http://car-holic.blogspot.com

deciding the the 'ONE'

WELL, the title for today seems to be implying on something else ( something that sounds a bit fishy..heheh) especially for a married woman ( an independent, free spirited, married woman to be specific) !!

the truth is, i have this peculiar and rather ridiculous habit of creating blogs and jumping from one to another. as of today, i believe that we should grow up and get matured even in blogging, by focusing on one blog only or to have few relevant blogs n link them to one another or just leave the blogging activity totally rather than scattering the our pieces of mind all over the virtual space!

[talking 'bout being a manager to oneself. :p]

few posts after this would be posts from my wordpress. and YES, they are moving from wordpress Residence to Blogspot Height!

on a different matter, an sms from my friend ( u know who u r) would be the quote of the day:

" sgtlah comel blog katol kan. Kite suke baca, rasa look 4ward nk ada husbnd :). Kalaulah awk pun update blog! plss. Hehe"

sgt lah inspiring and motivating msg ni.

1) mesti kawen cpt to those yg ade plan nak kawen. then u'll have that sweet moments.. to be shared together wif ur frends

2) must be consistent when blogging. fans r waiting for updates.. ahaks.. I LOIKE!!

blogging off for now.. going to cik yam's house to jahit tepi for ordered beanbags ( i have customers now.. business is crawling.. an infant still)

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