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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

of being single again

yesternite, after a lil bit of thinking, i think, for the final 2 months before my wedding, i want to be single again. not as in looking for new boyfriend or flirting around. but single in the sense that a time for myself, a time for me to feel free from a relationship (im not into lepak2 wif guys..) to hang out with my girlfriends, doing crazy stuff.. and all..

ive been in this relationship, with the same guy for almost 5 years, starting a year after finishing my high school till this very second. so, before spending time and life together with him for the rest of my life (insyaallah), i guess, i do need my single moment.

aja aja!


molliesa said...

hehe..mollie also mintak the same thing kat benggo..dia senyum..n kate boleh je..:)

Amatullah.Aziz said...

hhaahahaha..molie ni..siyan benggo! kikiki

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