BUNTALBEADS the beanbag for all

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Friday, May 14, 2010

wordpress1: a lecture on life ~April, 1 2010

the other day, few days back, i had a chance conversing with my former boss, dean of unikl miat. we started with light issues, like my bean bag, starting biz, etc2.. and somehow, our conversation drifted to more serious issue, goal in our life. it started when i asked him whether is it true that am losing a lot when i made the decision to resign miat. he replied that i shouldn’t be asking that question.. and the conversation continued..~~

ermm malas dah nk tulis, pendek kata, i’m still looking for what i truly want in this life.. n goal or goals is/are not determined yet..

as for nw, i’ve just realized that (while driving back fr pasar malam), that i want to own a crv.. as soon as i can..heheh how can i do that???(harge 149k..erkk)

i took this from http://car-holic.blogspot.com

i took this from http://car-holic.blogspot.com


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